We’ve all been there. You’re out on your lawn or garden, and suddenly, you’re face-to-face with a mole. You don’t have a gun, traps, or poison. All you have are marshmallows. So, how do you go about killing moles with marshmallows?
This guide will teach you everything you need to know about killing moles with this snack. From tips on how to effectively use it to tricks for getting the most out of your marshmallows, we’ve got you covered.
How Marshmallows Kill Moles
Marshmallows are a human snack. But how can they be used in killing moles? And if the snack can kill moles, why is it that we don’t die when we eat it?
Well, marshmallows contain an ingredient known as carrageenan.
Carrageenan is a seaweed derivative primarily used in the food and pharmaceutical industries. It’s a thickening agent that can be found in various foods, including creams, cheese, flavored milk, yogurt, and, of course, marshmallows.
This substance has been linked to severe health problems in humans. Studies show that carrageenan causes intestinal inflammation, gastrointestinal ulcers and damages the digestive tract. The product is also thought to be cancerous.
Now, imagine how the product will be highly toxic to moles since they have small digestive tracts.
Studies show that the substance is poisonous and has more effects on rodents. It will cause intestinal inflammation, ulcers, and lead to difficulty in digestion. The mole will eventually die of malnutrition and other side effects of carrageenan.
A Step-by-Step Guide To Killing Moles With Marshmallows
Follow the steps below to kill moles in your garden or camping site:
Step 1: Choose the Correct Type of Marshmallows
There are two types of marshmallows:
- Industrial ones
- Homemade ones
Let’s compare these two in terms of their ingredients, shall we?
Industrial marshmallows have tetrasodium pyrophosphate (TSP), gum Arabic (GAR), and carrageenan (CR). They also have corn syrup, sugar, soy protein, and gelatin.
Their homemade counterparts have liquid glucose, egg whites, gelatin, sugar, and sunflower as their main ingredients and eggs and gelatin. However, they lack TSP, GAR, and CR.
So, what type should you choose when killing moles with marshmallows?
You need the type with carrageenan. As discussed earlier, this is the ingredient that will kill your mouse. It will cause bloating and inflammation and prevent digestion leading to death.
If you want to make a homemade mole poison using marshmallows, you should include carrageenan as one of the ingredients for its effectiveness. We recommend sticking to industrial marshmallows if you can’t find the ingredient.

Step 2: Find the Mole’s Hiding Spots
Moles are well-known for their desire to dig deep into the ground so they can live in peace and seclusion. They’re also known for their tendency to build small underground tunnels that lead to their homes. They’re also brilliant, which means they can learn how to hide from predators by finding the best spots where no one will ever see them.
Moles will not hide anywhere near your house. You can only find them in secluded areas such as gardens, grasslands, swamps, dunes, and wetlands.
Moles will only go into areas they’re comfortable with, and that’s your garden. So, go out and find their habitat.
If there’s any plant or plant material in your garden, that’s where they’ll be digging. Look for signs of soil moving in this area. If you see dirt being pushed around by something other than just nature, that’s probably where moles live.
If you see an extensive tunnel in the yard, there’s a good chance it’s a mole tunnel. Keep exploring till you find both sides of that tunnel. You must locate all the tunnel exits for your DIY mole repellent to work efficiently.
When you aren’t sure if you have the correct holes, consider monitoring the movement of the moles. They will eventually lead you to their habitat.
Step 3: Apply the Marshmallow Poison
Once you have located their habitat, it’s time to begin killing moles with marshmallows. Moles are not nocturnal. Instead, they are active during the daytime and at night. So, you can apply the poison anytime you think it’s best.
If you’re worried about them escaping your trap, don’t be. Just place your mole poison in an area that is easily accessible for the moles but not too easy for them to ignore.
Don’t forget to put marshmallows in the entrances to every hole you found in the previous step. This act will increase the chances of the moles taking your bait.
Step 4: Dispose of Dead Moles
When you have a dead mole on your lawn or garden, you need to dispose of it. It’s not a good idea to leave decaying animals out in the open, so you must take steps to ensure that its body is correctly disposed of.
There are several options for disposing of a deceased mole.
You can bury the body in a shallow grave. You can also use its habitat and then fill the hole with soil. Keep an eye on the holes to make sure that all the moles have died and that none attempts to open up the holes.
Another option is cremation. We only recommend using this method if the dead moles are more than five. You will need an expert to control the fire and prevent accidents that could wipe out your house.
The simplest method is disposing of them in your garbage bin. Clean up the scene as best as possible. If there’s blood or guts on the ground, pick them up with a shovel, place them in a bag, and then throw them into your garbage container.
Alternatives Methods to Get Rid of Moles
If the method of killing moles with marshmallows does not work for you, there are other effective methods you can employ to chase the rodent. They include:
- Do not water your yard: Moles mainly eat earthworms, so if your yard is dry, they won’t have much to eat. You can stop watering your yard to chase insects and worms—but this is probably a temporary solution.
- Close their holes and flatten molehills: This might chase them away, but it might also make them mad and leave your yard in a big mess.
- Uproot your grass: A better option is to replace grass with cactus. Grass harbors insects and worms. Moles love earthworms and insects—if you replace the grass with cacti, the moles might disappear.
If you can’t seem to chase or kill the moles, consider co-existing with them. By co-existing with them, you will accrue a lot of benefits. First, moles can help you get rid of earthworms, which is a great benefit because they can harm your garden. They will eat a lot of insects in your compound while aerating your soil.
You should note that moles do not eat plants. Having one in your garden will not affect your plants. Also, they have a lifespan of about three years. So, you can relax, and they will vanish in less than three years.
Effectiveness of Marshmallows in Killing Moles
Moles are not easily killed with poison. So, your marshmallow bait might leave you disappointed.
Moles love to feast on insects and earthworms. The odds of moles feeding on your marshmallow bait are slightly less. Why would they eat the snack while your garden contains delicious earthworms?
The most common method of getting rid of moles is by trapping them. However, this is not always successful as it can be challenging to catch them in their lifetime.
Repellants have also been shown to be ineffective at repelling moles. No repellant on the market will help you get rid of these rodents. Repellants such as barbed wires, broken glasses, and thorn plants are more dangerous to you than moles.
Final Thoughts
Killing moles with marshmallows is simple, but may end up disappointing. You only need to select suitable marshmallows with carrageenan and find mole hiding spots. Once you have found the hiding spots, apply your bait and wait for the animals to take your bait. The odds of moles taking the marshmallows’ bait are low, so don’t be disappointed when you find out they are still alive.
Why should you consider killing moles?
Moles create holes in your lawn or garden. This might leave it looking untidy. While digging, they also create complex underground tunnels. They might interfere with your grass or plant roots during the digging process. As a result, plants are prone to wilting due to a lack of nutrients and water.
Should I co-exist with moles?
Yes, it is recommended that you just let them be. These creatures are harmless. They do not invade your living space and won’t bite or destroy your precious properties like other rodents. What’s more, you gain a few benefits by living with a mole. Your garden will be free from insects and earthworms.
What should I do to render mole activity less noticeable?
Start by clearing all the molehills in your garden or lawn. Use a space or rake to dump or spread the soil. If you see small ridges on your property, flatten them using your feet. You can also adopt a natural lawn. Let it grow grass and plants until it hides the activity by itself.

Hello! My name is Chris, and I am the founder of Yard Floor. When I was a toddler, my family had a lush green lawn. I was at the center of caring for and maintaining this lawn and even proceeded to take an associate’s Degree in landscaping. I am here to share my years of experience with you – be it repairing your mower/tractor or caring for your lawn.