Patio wind blockers are screens that offer wind protection to outdoor spaces which lack surrounding walls or fences. If sudden gusts of wind always send your items flying all over the place or rainstorms force you to abandon your patio and scurry inside, you need wind protection.
Covering up the whole patio because of wind nullifies the entire purpose of having a patio. A wind blocker is what you need to bring calm and order to those mighty gusts of wind on your patio.
What Are Patio Wind Blockers?
A patio wind blocker shields your patio from strong winds and keeps it, together with your outdoor furniture, dry on rainy days. Besides protection from harsh winds, patio wind blockers have other functions such as:
- Decoration – You can add flowers or other decorations to the wind blocker.
- Privacy – You don’t have to be nervous about neighbors and passers-by watching you.
- Noise filter – Glass wind blockers can prevent noise from reaching your patio, letting you relax in peace.
Before we look at patio wind-blocking ideas, what should you consider before installing one?
What To Consider Before Installing a Wind Blocker
When you answer the questions below, you’ll be able to identify the best wind block for your patio:
Do you own a home or rent? You can install a permanent wind blocker if you own a home. How windy is your area? Some wind-blocking methods cannot withstand very strong winds.
Do you want something decorative? Trellises are great because you can pair them with climbing plants. How big is your patio? If it’s wide, a stone wall or a tall wooden fence may be better than a movable wind deflector.
Patio Wind Blocking Ideas
Wind blockers for patios can be bought, or you can build one. There’re so many designs to choose from depending on your needs.
Potted Shrubs
To create this natural wind blocker, use heavy plants such as bamboo, frangula houseleek, and mini cypress. Avoid shrubs with weak roots, such as Jack pine and Scotch pine, and those with thorns.
Plant them in solid containers that won’t be moved by strong winds and line them close, so they form a stronger barrier.
Glass Panels
Glass wind blockers may be costly to install and maintain, but they’re excellent because they give you a clear view of the outside. Installing glass panels requires hiring a contractor. Glass panels may not be suitable if you stay in a rented home.
Patio Wind Deflectors
A patio wind deflector can be an independent structure that can be moved around and placed where the wind is coming from.
Patio wind deflectors are light in weight and may not be suitable for deflecting strong winds. You can improvise them by adding weight to their legs so they won’t be blown away by the wind.
Wooden Fence Wind Blockers
Wooden fence wind blockers are made of wooden panels which allow light but keep out strong winds.
Unlike the movable patio wind deflector, this type of wind blocker is established on the ground. If you don’t mind having part of the outside view blocked, wooden fence blockers are sturdy and durable.
Windscreen patio wind blockers come in several types:
- Roll-up windscreen – Can be rolled to the ground when it’s windy and rolled back up later using a pulley or electric motor.
- Retractable windscreen – Can be used for privacy and put away when not in use.
- Mesh windscreen – Aso used for protection from wind and offering privacy.
Artificial Hedge
Artificial hedge panels are synthetic and provide wind protection and privacy. They resemble a real hedge.
Artificial hedges are easy to install and can last up to 10 years if maintained well. However, choose good quality because low-quality artificial hedges fade due to UV rays or are damaged by constant rain.
Shutters are ideal for controlling the wind and can be matched with your existing decor. You need a ceiling or awning to fix them, or you can call a professional to do it. Shutters are good if you live in an area that doesn’t have extreme winds.
Lattice acts as a windbreak and is also used for decorative purposes. A lattice on its own will not block much wind, but attaching climbing plants to it makes your patio more beautiful and keeps out the wind.
Some plants you can grow on lattice include ivy, trumpet vine, honeysuckle, clematis, and pole beans.
Corrugated Metal
Corrugated metal is a popular choice due to its durability. Galvanized steel is the best because it withstands all weather conditions without rusting. It also offers maximum privacy and is especially economical if you’re the homeowner or don’t plan on moving soon. You’ll have a solid wind blocker for years.
Wind Blocking Tips
Below are tips you can consider when blocking wind on your patio.
- If you just moved into a new home and haven’t set up a wind blocker, there is no reason to stop you from enjoying your patio. You can take a few bedsheets and pin them up to block the wind.
- Choose heavy furniture over light ones. Outdoor sectional furniture has weight and so takes up space on your patio, helping block the intensity of the wind. Also, heavy furniture is not prone to toppling over in the wind.
Final Thoughts
Installing a patio wind blocker will divert the wind away from your patio and help you enjoy your time. Additionally, patio covers provide shade and privacy, depending on the design. They also increase the beauty of your outdoors.
You can choose from a selection of manufactured wind blockers like glass and artificial hedges, or you can use natural ones like potted plants or wooden fences.
You can’t stop the wind from blowing into your patio, but you can change its direction using wind blockers. With a wind blocker, your patio time will be more enjoyable without sudden wind attacks.

Hello! My name is Chris, and I am the founder of Yard Floor. When I was a toddler, my family had a lush green lawn. I was at the center of caring for and maintaining this lawn and even proceeded to take an associate’s Degree in landscaping. I am here to share my years of experience with you – be it repairing your mower/tractor or caring for your lawn.