Do you have a Monstera plant and wish to regrow it in your indoor or outdoor spaces? One of the most effective ways to regrow Monstera from its mother plant is through propagation. You can encourage new growth from Monstera nodes and spruce up your home with a stunning addition.
So, how do you propagate a Monstera node, and what are the requirements? This detailed guide explores everything you should know about propagating Monstera nodes at home.
How To Locate a Node on Monstera
For a successful Monstera propagation through cuttings, start by locating the nodes. Your plant might have multiple nodes depending on how big it is.
As vining plants, Monstera plants love climbing up boulders or trellis. This growth pattern comes with nodes where leaves develop.
Nodes on Monstera are visible on the stems between the internodes. You can also locate a node where the stem divides to create two petioles. If your plant has aerial roots, that part where the roots grow from is a node.
To better identify Monstera nodes, look for the section along the stem that appears thicker than the internode. This section seems to swell outwards with circular rings around the bulging part.
The node is a critical part of your Monstera plant, as this is where new growth occurs. With time, leaves, stems, or aerial roots will grow from this section.
The node contains cells needed for the growth of a new Monstera plant. So when obtaining a cutting from your Monstera, always ensure it has nodes.
How Many Nodes Should My Monstera Cutting Have?
You can include as many nodes as you want in your Monstera cutting. However, having 2-3 nodes in your cutting is advisable.
Some people opt to include leaves and nodes in their cuttings. In that case, 1-2 leaves in the cutting will promote the growth of healthier and stronger roots through photosynthesis.
Including more leaves makes your cutting struggle to sustain them due to a lack of roots.
When To Propagate a Monstera Node
You can propagate your Monstera any time of the year, but it’s wise to do it during spring or summer. The plant grows during the warmer months of spring and summer. If you propagate a cutting from your Monstera, roots will grow in 4-6 weeks.
Propagating Monstera in winter is possible but creates more room for failure. You’ll need to do a lot of work to provide the cutting with the requirements to start rooting.
For example, the cutting requires supplemental lighting to develop roots. Unlike in warmer months, your Monstera cutting will take longer to grow roots.
How To Propagate Monstera Nodes
You can propagate cuttings from Monstera in three ways – water, soil, and air layering propagation. Let’s discuss each to help you determine your most suitable method.
Water Propagation
Propagating Monstera nodes in water is a straightforward method to encourage faster rooting. Below are the steps to follow:
- If you have a well-established parent plant, choose the part you want to obtain your cutting. Ensure the stem has 2-3 nodes; if it has a leaf, the better.
- Pick your scissors, shears, or box cutters and prepare them for cutting. Clean them with soapy water or use alcohol to wipe out harmful substances.
- Cut below the node, along the internode. For better results, cut 1-2 inches below the node. You can cut at the top or in the middle but ensure the cutting is about 2-3 inches long. It should also have several nodes and a leaf.
- Clean the lower part of your cutting, including the node, and air dry it for a few minutes.
- Place the cutting in a jar with water. You can fill the jar halfway. Ensure your jar has a narrow opening to support the cutting and a broad base.
- Place your jar in a section of your house with bright, indirect sunlight.
Observe your cutting once every week to see its progress. You can change the water once a week and remember to rinse the growing roots to prevent mold growth. Once the roots are a few inches long, plant the cutting in the soil.
Pros of water propagation:
- The clear jar allows you to see how roots are forming.
- You can respond in case you spot rotting roots.
- Water keeps your cutting hydrated.
- You won’t damage the roots when removing the cutting from the jar.
Cons of water propagation:
- Insufficient airflow around the roots.
- Grows weak roots that may struggle when transplanted.
Soil Propagation
The good thing about propagating Monstera nodes in the soil is that it allows the growth of stronger roots. It’s also a less tedious method to propagate your plant.
Follow these steps to propagate a Monstera node in soil:
- Obtain your cutting from the mother plant. Rub a propagating promoter along the lower node to boost root growth.
- Create a medium in a container and moisten it. You can use a moisture-retaining medium, such as a mixture of peat moss and compost.
- Make a hole at the center – about 2-3 inches deep. Insert your cutting and cover the hole with the medium.
- After planting, water the medium and place the container in an area receiving bright, indirect sunlight.
You’ll need to moisten the medium regularly but avoid overwatering. Then use node holders to keep your cutting upright in the medium.
Pros of soil propagation:
- Grows stronger roots
- The nutrients in the medium benefit your new growth
- You may not need to transplant the cutting if the medium is in a larger container
Cons of soil propagation:
- It can be tricky to know if you’ve overwatered the cutting
- You’ll need to remove the cutting from its medium to tell if the roots are developing
- Overwatering can lead to mold growth and root rot
Air Layering Propagation
Try air layering if you want a more effective method of propagating a node on Monstera. This method promotes fast rooting while lowering the risks of root rot and leaf loss.
Unlike the above-mentioned methods, the cutting stays connected to your Monstera plant. You’ll need to make a tiny cut in the internode and prepare the node for root growth.
Below are the steps to follow:
- Look for a viable stem and cut a few inches below the node. Avoid cutting the whole stem. You can cut at least 1/3 to 2/3 through the stem.
- Use a moisture-retaining medium to cover the section you’ve just cut. The medium should be moist enough to enhance rooting. Wrap a cling film or rooting ball around the medium to hold it firm.
- Ensure your Monstera plant accesses bright, indirect sunlight.
To water the medium, unwrap the covering and spray water with a spray bottle. The roots will start to grow after 4-5 months. Once the roots are about 2-3 inches, cut the internode below the roots and plant the cutting in a container.
Pros of air layering:
- Roots grow faster.
- Low chances of root rot.
- Leaves can continue growing on the plant.
Cons of air layering:
- Air layering is a labor-intensive method of propagating Monstera nodes.
Can You Propagate Monstera Without Node?
No. Propagating Monstera without node won’t promote new growth. The Monstera node contains cells that allow the development of leaves or stems. The plant might grow roots and survive for an extended period.
If your Monstera has a leaf but no nodes, the leaf will remain green and absorb water through osmosis. If you’ve put the cutting in water, it’ll start to root in 2-3 weeks. However, don’t expect your cutting to grow past the rooting stage.
So, how do you encourage a successful Monstera node propagation?
Despite cutting and putting your Monstera cuttings in the right medium, there are several other things to consider. Here are various ways you should encourage healthy growth:
- Ensure proper drainage: Before adding soil or any other medium, ensure your container has enough drainage holes. These holes will drain excess water to prevent the effects of waterlogging.
- Provide 12 or more hours of indirect sunlight: In summer, 10-12 hours will be enough to expose the cutting to indirect sunlight. You can keep your supplemental lights on for 24 hours in winter.
- Keep the humidity high: Your Monstera cutting with nodes can dry out easily with low humidity. If you have a low humidity issue, spray the cutting with water or install a humidifier.
- Keep room temperatures between 70-80°F: Maintaining the temperature between 70-80°F keeps the cutting warm to promote rooting.
- Use suitable pots or containers: When propagating Monstera in soil, choose a medium-sized container or pot to create the medium. Ensure the container or pot is 4” in diameter and 5” deep. You can go for resin pots, ceramic pots, or plastic food containers.
Transplanting Monstera After Propagating
Transplanting your cutting is pretty straightforward. Find a larger pot or container and add a mixture of soil, compost, and peat moss. Moisturize the soil, make a hole, and transplant the cutting.
The roots might be weaker if your cutting comes from a water jar. So, handle them with care during transplanting. After transplanting, water heavily until roots have established.
Final Thoughts
Propagating Monstera is a great way to encourage the growth of new green plants in your home. Start by identifying a Monstera node to determine where to cut.
Your Monstera cutting should have nodes for successful propagation. You can use methods such as air layering, soil or water propagation to enhance root growth. Lastly, transplant your Monstera cutting once it has well-developed roots.

Hello! My name is Chris, and I am the founder of Yard Floor. When I was a toddler, my family had a lush green lawn. I was at the center of caring for and maintaining this lawn and even proceeded to take an associate’s Degree in landscaping. I am here to share my years of experience with you – be it repairing your mower/tractor or caring for your lawn.