So, you’ve spent the last several months working on your lawn. And it’s looking great. But then, someone parks a little too close to your lawn. Maybe even on your property. And now you’re wondering how to keep cars from parking on my lawn.
The first step for most of us is politely asking the offenders to stop parking on our lawns. But we both know that’s not effective. Then you may turn to signage. It may be another polite reminder to keep off the grass, or you could have gone the passive-aggressive route. Either way, people will mostly ignore them.
What can you do to communicate that you do not want cars on your lawn? Here are some practical barriers to keep cars off grass.
It may be easy to ignore a “Keep off the Grass” sign. But a fence is much harder to ignore. A fence will keep people and their cars out of your lawn. You could even paint the fence for extra visibility (and beauty to your yard).
Not only that, fences are versatile. You can make them from any material. You could go for the suburban white-picket fence made from wood or vinyl.
You could take it further and use wrought iron or aluminum instead of wood. The advantage is keeping cars off your lawn and adding style to your front yard. This decorative fence from Yaheetech should help keep cars away.
If you would rather your neighbors know none of your business, you can use a tall privacy fence. And it doesn’t have to be made from wood; you can use bricks or stone or a combination of bricks and wrought iron.
But before you install a fence, check with your local HOA and other building codes to know how high your privacy fence could be – if it’s allowed.
Few drivers are willing to risk ruining their tires to park on someone’s lawn, making spikes one of the most effective barriers to keep cars off grass.
But, putting spikes might come at a cost to you. If they hurt someone or damage their car, the person may justifiably sue you for damages.
To be on the safe side when using spikes, choose residential driveway spikes. These are designed to deter people from driving over them for fear of ruining their tires. They are made from rubber, meaning they cannot damage cars or injure people or pets who accidentally walk on them.
If you choose this route, you may consider adding another deterrent should any drivers catch on.
Hedge Wall
Hedge walls work in the same way as fences. They tell drivers that your grass is off-limits. And your hedge doesn’t have to be so high, as long as it’s enough to set a clear boundary line.
One advantage of a hedge wall is that it adds to the greenery in your front yard. You can plant your hedge wall in interesting patterns or use different materials to add beauty. However, getting your hedge to maturity takes quite some time and dedication.
But if you would rather not go through the hustle, you can get an artificial hedge to add to your garden. It may not be as appealing as a natural hedge up close, but it is still an effective barrier to keep cars from parking on your lawn.
Driveway Boulders
If you do not want to go through planting and maintaining a hedge, you can take an easy way out by using driveway boulders.
Installing boulders to stop cars from parking in your driveways works well as drivers do not want to ruin their cars driving over them. If you do not have a handy source of natural boulders, you can shop for fiberglass boulders that look real.
And choose big ones that make a statement on your garden and send the message to keep away.
Parking Posts
Parking posts are effective barriers to keep cars off grass. Those made from metal or steel are sturdy and less likely to be knocked over by moving cars. Install these metals into a concrete base to make them a permanent installation on your driveway.
Parking posts are either permanent or temporary. For a temporary solution, you can place posts on your driveway to deter cars. Add a rope or chain between parking posts for additional deterrence.
For permanent parking posts, you must dig them into the ground or use concrete to hold them down permanently. You may also make them foldable to minimize damage to cars that get too close to the barriers.
Driveway Netting
Driveway netting is a simple and effective temporary solution to deter cars from parking on your lawn. The netting is easy to install.
To install the netting, place driveway polls along the perimeter of your front lawn, then unravel the netting to cover the desired area.
It has various colors, so you can choose one that matches the overall theme of your front yard landscaping.
Ground Protection Mesh
Unless you are on a vast expanse of land with a sprawling driveway or garage, you may have overflowing traffic on your driveway. And you don’t want to be that irritating neighbor who allows their friends to fill up their driveways with unwelcome vehicles.
The best option is to get yourself a ground protection mesh. The mesh is common in areas with high foot and vehicle traffic. It reinforces the surface by redistributing the weight of cars parked on it.
With the ground protection mesh, you can park your car on the grass and not leave rutting or smearing from vehicles driving over the grass.
Final Word
There you have it – seven effective barriers to keep cars off grass. Some people will respond to subtle messaging to keep you off your yard, but for others, only a fence can stop them. So go on and find the barriers that work for you.
If you have questions about the legalities of using certain barriers, such as fences and rock boulders, check the local building codes and HOA regulations.

Hello! My name is Chris, and I am the founder of Yard Floor. When I was a toddler, my family had a lush green lawn. I was at the center of caring for and maintaining this lawn and even proceeded to take an associate’s Degree in landscaping. I am here to share my years of experience with you – be it repairing your mower/tractor or caring for your lawn.