The TV380 is one of Case’s most powerful compact track loaders with almost no limicts on any job site.
Thanks to its potent Tier 4 engine, the TV380 has a higher breakout force and a larger lifting capacity. However, this loader might have problems over time that affect its operations. The most common Case TV380 Problems are alternator issues, the engine getting hot, the joystick not working, electrical issues, and the lift arm failing to work.
So, how can you resolve these issues in your loader? Herein is a detailed Case TV380 troubleshooting guide to help you out.
Case TV380 Alternator Problems
The alternator in your Case TV370 loader delivers the power needed to start the engine and keep it running. However, this component is prone to issues affecting how it supplies power to your loader’s electrical components.
Generally, an alternator recharges the battery when the loader is running. It also generates direct current (DC) electricity to power the electrical components. If your loader has a malfunctioning alternator, you can have issues starting or running it.
Alternator problems will affect your loader’s electrical system despite having a functional battery.
The most common causes of alternator issues are excessive heat, water exposure, misaligned alternator belts, and faulty components in the alternator.
If the alternator is malfunctioning, you might notice these symptoms:
- Cranking troubles
- Frequent engine stalls
- Battery dying repeatedly
- Whining or growling noises
- A burning smell
How to fix:
Inspect the alternator belt if you have a functional battery but your loader has starting and stalling issues. Align the belt properly or replace it if you find it worn.
Defective alternator components such as the bearing, voltage regulator, winding, and brushes might also be the culprits. An authorized Case dealer or mechanic can check for a faulty alternator and replace it.
TV380 Case Engine Gets Hot Problems
Some Case TV380 users claim their compact track loaders have overheating engine issues after operating them for an extended period. The engine will overheat at full throttle and lose power. This loader’s engine might sometimes overheat under a heavy load and stall.
An overheated TV380 Case engine can wreak havoc on various engine components, resulting in costly repairs or replacements. If your loader’s engine overheats while running, check for the following causative factors:
- Low coolant level
- Dirty or defective radiator
- Insufficient engine oil
How to fix
A low coolant level is usually the primary cause of an overheating Case TV380 engine. Inspect the coolant reservoir and take note of leaks and other faults.
Drain the reservoir, clean it, and apply epoxy to the leaking area. If the leaking reservoir is beyond repair, replace it. Next, refill the reservoir with fresh coolant to the recommended level.
If a low coolant level does not cause the engine overheating problems, check for a dirty or defective radiator. Like many Case TV380 problems, radiator issues might occur with excessive use of your compact track loader.
Clean the radiator to remove mud, debris, or any gunk. If the radiator cap is defective, remove it and install a new one.
Insufficient engine oil causes the metal parts to rub against each other and create friction. This issue results in a build-up of heat, making the engine overheat. Check for low/no engine oil and add the correct oil recommended in the manual.
Joystick Not Working
The joystick lets you control your Case TV380 loader functions with your hand. With time, this component might fail to respond to your input.
Sometimes, the operator’s input might not match the loader’s response. For example, the loader might move backward despite giving it a different command. Problems with the joystick control can halt your operations or cause accidents.
If the issue results from a faulty joystick, the “joynu” error code might come up. If your loader has problems with the joystick, look out for the following:
- Loose connections on the joystick control
- Faulty circuits
- Defective joystick control system
How to fix:
Start by inspecting the connections from the joystick to the hydraulic pump and actuators. If they’re loose, secure them properly. If you find any faulty circuits, replace them, as they’re more likely to damage the joystick control system.
The last fix to consider is replacing the entire joystick control system. You can hire a professional to inspect the control system and replace it.
Case TV380 Electrical Problems
Some Case TV380 problems, such as the starter cranking slowly or not cranking, can result from electrical issues.
Check for low battery capacity or a defective battery if the loader has cranking issues. Another culprit might be a faulty starter motor.
Some users claim their compact track loaders stall after hitting bumps or hard objects. When this happens, the loader might have issues with the connections.
How to fix:
If your loader cranks slowly or won’t crank, inspect the battery to see if it’s the culprit. Recharge the battery if drained or install a new one if it fails to hold a charge.
If the battery is okay, check for corroded or defective terminals. Clean the terminals and replace the terminal clamps if they’re faulty.
Lastly, inspect all the connections to see if there are loose or sprayed wires. Tighten any loose connections and replace any sprayed wires.
Lift Arm Not Working
The lift arm is part of your TV380 hydraulic system. It holds, raises, and lowers various implements, including the bucket. If you subject the loader’s lift arm to heavy load over time, it might malfunction and fail to lift or drop.
The most common causes of a malfunctioning lift arm include the following:
- Low or insufficient hydraulic oil level
- Defective hydraulic pump
- Malfunctioning lift controls
- Broken hydraulic cylinder
How to fix:
Low fluid levels cause many hydraulic issues in your compact track loader. So, if your lift arm fails to lift or drop, you can start by checking the fluid level. If it’s low than recommended, add fresh fluid as necessary.
The hydraulic pump might have issues that can cause the lift arm not to work. Inspect the pump for contamination or incorrect hydraulic oil. If the system has contaminated or incorrect hydraulic fluid, drain the old fluid and add the correct one.
If the hydraulic pump is faulty, hire an experienced mechanic to repair or replace it.
Another cause of lift arm problems is malfunctioning lift controls. Your mechanic can inspect them and repair them if necessary. If the problem results from a broken hydraulic cylinder, remove it and install a new, compatible one.
Are Case TV380 Problems Deal Breakers?
While the TV380 is prone to the abovementioned problems, this compact track loader is worth the purchase. It’s a robust and reliable loader that can handle complex tasks on any job site.
If you can’t fix any of these issues, contact an authorized dealer, an experienced mechanic, or Case customer service for advice or help.

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