Alocasia Pink Princess: How to Grow + Care Tips

Colorful ornamental plants can brighten your home with their unique, stunning foliage. And what better way to add a splash of color to your indoor spaces than growing Alocasia Pink Princess?

When grown correctly and properly maintained, the Pink Princess will remain a long-lasting part of your home. Its broad arrow-shaped leaves, dark-green surface, and pink branches will create a commanding presence.

Growing this plant is worthwhile if you’re a plant enthusiast looking to boost your home’s aesthetic appeal. Read on as we discuss the Alocasia Pink Princess, how to grow it, and its caring tips.

Pink Princess Alocasia Description and Origin

The Pink Princess Alocasia is a stunning tropical plant that originates in Southeast Asia and Australia. It belongs to the Araceae family, growing naturally underneath tree canopies in the tropical forest. Like several other Alocasia plants, the Pink Princess has large arrowhead-shaped leaves.

Its distinctive features, such as pink branches and unique veins on the underside, differentiate it from other Alocasia plants. For example, the Alocasia Pink Dragon has broad arrow-shaped leaves with pink branches. However, its veining pattern resembles a dragon’s scale, thus the name ‘Pink Dragon.’

The Pink Princess is a tall tropical plant growing up to 4 feet high. It’s, therefore, an ideal houseplant for homes with higher ceilings. The pink branches are in stark contrast to its luscious dark-green leaves. However, that color contrast makes this plant a beautiful houseplant.

This plant thrives at home when you mimic its natural environment in the tropics. It requires high humidity levels, bright indirect light, and adequate moisture. Since it grows up to 2.6 feet wide, giving it enough space to spread its broad leaves and long branches is essential.

How To Grow the Alocasia Pink Princess

Unlike other houseplants, the Pink Princess has several unique growing and maintenance needs. Before you learn how to maintain the plant, let’s see how you should grow the plant.

  • Create a growth medium. The Pink Princess Alocasia thrives when potted and in good condition. So, the first step to growing the plant is creating a perfect medium. Fill your potting container with loose, well-drained soil. You can opt for organic peat moss, perlite, and organic compost.
  • Propagate the plant. Look for a mature and healthy Pink Princess with smaller clumps or tubers. You’ll need to remove the mature plant from its pot and find these tubers in the root system. Use a pair of scissors to cut the tuber. Be cautious not to break the tuber and its root system.
  • Pot the tuber. Dig a small hole in your medium to plant the tuber. After planting the tuber, pat down the soil mixture to hold your plant in place.
  • Water the plant. The newly planted tuber requires moist soil to enhance rooting and sprouting. Water deeply until you see excess water draining from the drainage holes.
  • Place the pot in a humid location with bright indirect light. Remember to keep your medium evenly moist.
  • Observe the pot until you find a new sprout. With the new Pink Princess sprout, you’ll need to learn the best ways to make it grow vibrant and healthy.

Alocasia Pink Princess Care Tips

The Pink Princess is one of the high-maintenance houseplants you can grow at home. Unlike most houseplants, this plant has unique lighting, watering, and temperature requirements.

If you’re a beginner, you’ll need to learn how to care for this plant to help it grow into a beautiful, charming houseplant. Below are the Pink Princess care tips you should adhere to:


Tropical plants love moisture to reach their full potential. Therefore, it’s necessary to duplicate this requirement when growing the Pink Princess at home. Keep the pot moist by watering regularly to keep the plant hydrated and healthy.

Overwatering can lead to soggy soil. Excess water can suffocate and cause Alocasia Pink Princess roots to rot. Inspect the medium by inserting your finger into the soil to avoid harming your plant with excess water. If the soil feels wet, you should postpone watering to another day.

Similarly, inspect the soil regularly to see if it’s dry. If the top 4th of your medium feels dry, water until droplets come out from the drainage holes.

Remember, the Pink Princess enters its dormancy period in winter and therefore requires less water.


The Pink Princess Alocasia does well in locations with bright, indirect light. In its natural habitat, this plant grows under tree canopies, receiving adequate indirect sunlight all year round. So, replicating these requirements is the secret to ensuring your plant receives sufficient light.

Place the plant near a south- or west-facing window to ensure it receives more filtered light. Alternatively, a room with more reflected light can be a suitable habitat for this plant.

Direct sunlight, especially the midday sun, can cause scorching and browning of its leaves. If the leaves turn brown, it’s a sign that you’re subjecting the plant to excess light. Conversely, inadequate light will cause its leaves to drop off.

Temperature and Humidity

The Pink Princess requires a warm, humid environment to grow. To ensure you have the best environment for your plant, keep the room temperature between 65°-85°F (18°-30°C).

High humidity is also a necessity. Mist your Pink Princess regularly and group it with several other houseplants to increase humidity. Alternatively, you can place a humidifier near the plant to increase humidity.

During winter, temperatures can drop up to 60°F and cause your plant to become dormant. You can keep the plant vibrant in winter by maintaining a steady indoor temperature. Sudden temperature fluctuations can cause your Pink Princess to wilt or die.


A potted Alocasia Pink Princess requires regular fertilizing during its growing seasons. Feed the plant with liquid fertilizer meant for houseplants to ensure it’s receiving the necessary nutrients.

During spring and summer, fertilize the plant every 2-3 weeks. However, reduce the fertilizing frequency in late fall and winter to once every month. It’s also advisable to add organic compost occasionally to boost soil fertility.


Like many other potted plants, your Pink Princess will eventually outgrow its original pot. It’s therefore necessary to repot once every year. Check if the plant has grown larger and taller than the previous year. If so, it’s probably time to repot it.

When repotting, look for a larger container with drainage holes. Find a potting container 1” to 2” larger than the former container to get the best results.

Pests and Diseases

The Pink Princess Alocasia is prone to pests like thrip, spider mites, and mealybugs. It’s also susceptible to root rot and dead or wilting leaves.

To keep your plant pest free, clean it regularly to remove moisture buildup and dust. If you spot a pest infestation, use the appropriate pesticides, such as Neem oil, to repel and kill pests.

Avoid overwatering the plant to prevent root and stem rot. You’ll also want to avoid sudden temperature changes that can cause the leaves to wilt or die. If you have wilting or dead leaves, prune them.

Caution: The Pink Princess Alocasia is toxic when ingested or mishandled. When ingested, the plant causes the mouth and tongue to swell. Improper handling can cause eye and skin irritation.

Final Thoughts

When looking for a unique, beautiful houseplant to spruce up your indoor spaces, the Alocasia Pink Princess is worth considering. This plant has broad dark-green leaves with an arrowhead shape. Its stems have a striking pink hue that makes it a charming plant.

If you have this plant at home, ensure you give it proper care and maintenance to help it grow healthy. Provide your Pink Princess with sufficient water and fertilize it when necessary. Mimic its natural habitat in the tropics to ensure there’s adequate light, humidity, and temperature.