Flowers add a splash of color and a good mood to our homes. Depending on the flower type, their petals can have different colors, shapes, and sizes. Moreover, the number of petals can differ from flower to flower.
So, which are the most spectacular flowers with eight petals? Read on as we detail seven stunning 8 petaled flowers you can incorporate into your home garden.
Mountain Avens Flower
The Mountain Avens flower (Dryas octopetala) is an 8-petaled flower of the family Rosaceae. It’s common in mountainous Arctic and alpine regions where snow melts earlier. The flower has eight distinctive oblong petals, which are white or cream-colored.
The Mountain Avens flowering plant is perfect for rock gardens thanks to its ground-hugging nature. It features oak-like leaves that form a beautiful mat. This flowering plant thrives in full sun but can do well under light shade.
One of the reasons you should have this flowering plant is low-maintenance needs. It grows in any soil, but well-drained soil makes it grow and bloom faster. It’s also resistant to many pests and diseases.
The flowers grow atop leafless stalks that are 1-4 inches tall. Their petals are 10-15 mm long and 5-10 mm wide. With time, these flowers produce seeds with feathery white hairs.
The Mountain Avens flowers bloom from early- to mid-summer. Its flowers track the sun’s movement, turning toward its direction. This phenomenon allows more sunlight to reflect the petals to improve the growth rate.

Clematis ‘Nelly Moser’ Flower
Clematis ‘Nelly Moser’ is a famous deciduous climber prized for its stunning star-shaped flowers. Its flattish flowers grow on a single stalk and measure up to 8” in width. Each flower is made of eight petals that are pale mauve pink.
Nelly Moser flowers can brighten your wall side borders when they bloom in late spring and early summer. The rosy-lilac sepals, with their distinctive carmine stripes and reddish-purple stamens, complement the flower’s beauty.
This flowering plant thrives in well-drained soils with partial shade. The hot afternoon summer sun causes colorful sepals to fade. So, ensuring your flowers are in a partial shade is necessary. If you’re growing Nelly Moser in a container, you can combine it with roses.

Garden Cosmos Flower
The Garden Cosmos flower (Cosmos bipinnatus) is one of the most stunning 8 petaled flowers of the Asteraceae family. It’s native to America and commonly grown in ornamental gardens, especially in temperate climates.
The cup-or bowl-shaped flowers are 5-7 cm in diameter with eight petals. This flower can be an excellent garden addition thanks to its colorful petals. In most cases, its petals can be pink, white, red, or violet colored. You can grow this flowering plant in your cottage, border, or cutting gardens.
Garden Cosmos flowers grow annually in summer and fall. The stunning, daisy-like flower grows atop a long, slender stem. These colorful flowering plants can grow up to 6’ tall when provided with the necessary growth requirements. You can grow them as cut flowers for decorative or gifting purposes.

Sneezewort Flower
The Sneezewort flower (Achillea ptarmica) grows from an herbaceous perennial plant of the daisy family. This perennial herb is common in Europe, western Asia, and North America. Its eight petals are white and form a button-shaped flower.
Like other flowers with 8 petals, the Sneezewort can be an excellent garden addition. Most homeowners grow this flowering plant to complement other colorful flowers in their gardens. Its flowers grow atop a single stalk.
The small white flowers bloom from mid to late summer, reaching around 1/4” in diameter. As a nectar-producing wildflower, the Sneezewort flower attracts butterflies in your garden. However, it has a strong, pungent smell, hence the name “Sneezewort.”
You can grow this flowering plant in your flower beds, cutting gardens and borders. And thanks to its strong smell, the leaves will repel harmful insects.

Tree Dahlia Flower
The Tree Dahlia flower (Dahlia imperialis) is another 8 petal flower you can incorporate into your home garden. It grows atop a large flowering plant reaching 6-13’ tall. Tree Dahlia is native to Nicaragua, Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, and Panama.
Tree Dahlia flowers are pink or white and grow on a single stem. It hangs in clusters to form a bell-shaped flower. The size of flowers ranges from 4-6 inches and bloom from fall to winter. Each stem produces multiple flowers, sometimes more than twenty flower heads.
The flower is orange-yellow at the center. This color combination makes it one of the most beautiful 8 petaled flowers. You can grow Tree Dahlia in flower beds, borders, or cottages.

Blackheart Sassafras Flower
The Blackheart Sassafras flower (Atherosperma moschatum) is a colorful flower growing from an evergreen tree. This flowering tree belongs to the Artherospermataceae family and can grow 6-25 meters tall. It’s native to Australia’s temperate rainforests in Tasmania and New South Wales.
The Sassafras tree blooms in winter and produces flowers of both sexes. Its flowers have eight white petals with a center that can be yellow or maroon. The flowers grow facing downward to protect themselves from snow and rain.
The Sassafras is a great choice if you’re looking for a plant that’ll be part of your home for a lifetime. You can grow the tree in your landscape to shade your backyard patio.
Chocolate Daisy Flower
The chocolate Daisy flower (Berlandiera lyrata) is an 8 petal flower belonging to the Asteraceae family. The flower grows from a 1-2’ tall perennial native to North America. You can grow Chocolate Daisies in your rock garden or near the deck to enjoy their full fragrance.
The daisy-like flower has eight yellow petals attached to a maroon central disc. The plant produces numerous flowers that grow atop leafless stalks. These flowers are 2” across and feature attractive cup-like seedheads.
Chocolate Daisy flowers bloom from April to October, particularly at night. These flowers open from morning to midday and droop in the afternoon heat. The leaves and flowers have a chocolate aroma, hence the name “Chocolate” Daisy.

Final Thoughts
If you’re a flower enthusiast, these 8 petaled flowers will significantly add value to your home. You can grow them in your garden, borders, or near the deck. Alternatively, flowers with 8 petals will do well when grown indoors in containers. Combining these flowers with others will add more beauty to your yard or garden when they bloom.

Hello! My name is Chris, and I am the founder of Yard Floor. When I was a toddler, my family had a lush green lawn. I was at the center of caring for and maintaining this lawn and even proceeded to take an associate’s Degree in landscaping. I am here to share my years of experience with you – be it repairing your mower/tractor or caring for your lawn.